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Yoga for Tight Legs | Dynamic Full Body Yoga Flow

A dynamic, breath-focused yoga flow for strengthening and releasing tight legs and hips. Great for tight hamstrings, quads and hip flexors.

Tight legs, eh? In my many years of teaching yoga the number one complaint my students have is tight legs and hip flexors. I have to say, I love seeing runners, hikers and cyclists in my yoga classes getting much needed relief! But as anyone with tight legs will attest, you have to stretch regularly to keep feeling good. Especially if you put your legs through the ringer with athletic training.

There are a number of things you can do about tight low body — starting with stretching and strengthening. It’s common to see a combination of weak glutes / hamstrings and overbuilt quads in people with tight legs. So in this class we focus on simple muscle activation and safely lengthening those tight leg muscles.

Scroll down for the video!

In this class we practice: wide leg squats (temple/goddess pose), side body bends, pyramid pose, wide leg forward fold, modified “wild thing” from side plank, cobra pose, deep quad stretch, downward facing dog, revolved standing forward fold with knee bend, cat cow, seated forward fold, seated forward fold with twisting, reclining modified cobblers pose and reclining pigeon pose.

This is an all-levels class ideal for students with a working knowledge of regular yoga poses. I generally would recommend this to my intro students after about 6 months of regular practice — but hey, you’re practicing at home so why not go for it?

The only prop you might want for this sequence is a yoga block or a thick book. If you have tight quads consider bringing a yoga strap (or belt / headband / sash) for our quad stretch.

If you do this practice, leave me a comment on youtube and hit the like button! That like button really helps my videos to get seen by the general public. And subscribe to my youtube channel to be the first to get updates on new videos.

Don’t forget you can book VIRTUAL LIVESTREAM YOGA CLASSES with me via Posture Studio. My classes are on Tuesdays, Saturdays and Sundays. Look for my name on the schedule.

xo — Renee