Will Frolic for Food

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Yoga for Hip and Spine Release

This slow yoga flow focuses on opening the hips and twisting to wring out the spine. With a touch of balance thrown in!

I’ve been practicing yoga since 2009 and teaching since 2011. And I’m still such a massive fan of gentle sequences that wring out the spine and open the hips! Spine and hip sequences are some of my absolute favorites. It’s the simple flows that really seem to be most effective, done regularly. So of course I had to put together this under 30 minute flow for you all.

This yoga class is all-levels friendly. Which means even beginners can handle it. And more experienced practitioners will still benefit.

Scroll down to watch the video.

In this short class we practice: hip opening forward folds, seated twists, cat cow, “thread the needle” childs pose variation, a warrior III standing balance variation and one of my favorite floor twists. We’re ultimately doing all of the major movements of the torso (extension/flexion, side bending, twists). So by the end of this class you should feel more freedom through your upper body.

This is an excellent sequence for all of you desk/computer workers out there. Great for those who tend to have tight pectorals, shoulders and hip flexors.

Give this video a watch and subscribe to my channel on youtube to be the first to get updates on new videos!