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22 Intentional Journal Prompts for New Years Reflection

This post is proudly sponsored by Mountain Rose Herbs.

Every January I like to sit down and do a long journaling session. It's my time to reflect on my year and set intentions for the next one. I’ve been doing some sort of year-end journaling like this for almost a decade now. This year I took extra time to refine the prompts I use in my practice. As you might expect, I go way beyond typical end-of-year goal setting. My end-of-year practice is more about: 1. processing my year, 2. getting clarity and 3. figuring out how I want to build my life moving forward. It's beneficial, simple and free self-care. Exactly the way I like it.

I designed this set of New Year's journal prompts to help you: 1. reflect, 2. goal set, 3. get clarity, 4. set intentions and 5. manifest the year you’re hoping for. The order of the prompts has a natural flow, each prompt building off of the previous one. It's high-impact, efficient and deep. When it comes to journaling prompts, there's no better way to be.

This practice doesn't hedge away from the lows and challenges you faced in the previous year. Yes, you'll have the chance to get the warm fuzzies thinking about your wins. But you'll also spend some time reflecting on the harder parts of your year -- and how they've helped you grow as a person. Getting clear on your pain-points helps clarify what's motivating your desire for change.

This list is in-depth but it only takes about 30 minutes if you answer the questions quickly. Respond to each question immediately without lingering too long. Trust your gut instincts.

Of course, no journaling practice would be complete without a big pot of tea! I love sipping Firefly Chai from Mountain Rose Herbs. It's non-caffeinated, spicy, magical and aromatic. It’s my go-to during Winter. And if I need a pick me up I’ll sip their Classic Chai, a rich and spicy tea with black tea woven into the blend.

So crack open a fresh journal, pour yourself a cup of something cozy and let’s get started! (p.s. scroll to the bottom of the post for free printable version of these prompts).

22 Intentional Journal Prompts for New Years

  1. If the energy of your past year could be encapsulated by one word, what would that word be?

  2. What were your big wins this year?

  3. What were your small wins this year?

  4. What were your challenges this year?

  5. For every challenge on your list, write down 1 (or more) lessons, tools, or gifts your challenges gave you this year.

  6. What do you need to shed or leave behind from this past year?

  7. Who were the most integral people in your life this past year?

  8. How did these people support you, teach you or help you to grow?

  9. Regarding physical health, what health, wellness and fitness practices were most beneficial or enjoyable for you this year?

  10. What health, wellness and fitness practices practices were the most challenging or perhaps detrimental?

  11. With that in mind, what are your health goals for this coming year?

  12. Regarding financial health, what practices (if any) did you implement in the past year that were of benefit?

  13. What financial practices will you start (or continue) in the coming year to grow wealth and become financially stable?

  14. What are your overall finance goals for this coming year?

  15. What are your career or vocation goals for this coming year?

  16. What are your personal goals or intentions for this coming year?

  17. Keeping these goals in mind, what is one over-arching intention you would like to set for this coming year?

  18. What is one small thing you are manifesting for this coming year? Write the details of this in your journal.

  19. What is one big thing you are manifesting for this coming year? Make it something realistic to manifest within 6-12 months. Write the details of this in your journal.

  20. What are 4 ways you will push yourself out of your comfort zone this year?

  21. At the end of this coming year — when you look back at your life over the last 12 months — what is the ONE thing you want to have accomplished or maintained commitment to?

  22. Brainstorm 10-20 words that encapsulate the energy that you’re calling in to your coming year. Reflect on those words and then choose one word that reflects the overall intention you’d like to set for this coming year. This is your “word of the year.”

    So, tell me, what’s your word of the year? Leave me a note in the comments!

    This post is proudly sponsored by
    Mountain Rose Herbs, purveyor of sustainable, Fair Trade and Organic botanicals, teas, body care and so much more. Check out their monthly specials!

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