Will Frolic for Food

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Winter Wonder Green Juice (pear + cucumber + green grape + kale + lemon + ginger)

There’s a little ear worm that’s been running through my head.

The phrase: manifest magic.

It’s this idea of bringing the inexplicably beautiful and unusual into ones gravity, simply by noticing more magic alive in the world.

As I’ve been playing with using this phrase as a mantra over the past year, I’ve noticed that it helps me listen and watch out for kismet, serendipity. I create space for noticing beauty and meaning in mundane things. Like finding tiny gold nuggets in the vast murky river of the day to day.

So as we step gently out of the threadbare robe that is 2016 into the shimmering silken kimono of 2017, I invite you too to manifest more magic in your everyday. I invite you to see the world as a wonder. To find joy in the silly, childish and odd. To lay in the grass and watch the shapes clouds make. To awe at the pink in your lovers cheek. To listen to the way rain makes music of the air.

This juice is a bit of simple, everyday magic. It’s sweet, tart, spicy and refreshing. Packed with pears, apples, cucumber, kale, celery, ginger, grapes and lemon.

The secret behind this juice is that it came to me in a dream.

Actually, it popped into my head in that between-sleep state, when I was not really asleep but not really awake either. And then it decided to linger in my mind for a few days, poking at my frontal lobe like hey HEY I'm still here MAKE MEEEEE.

So I did.

I love simple drink recipes like this. And this one has a particularly wintery feel to it, despite that pert green color and lively flavor. It’s like a glug of pure healing refreshment to enliven soggy grey days.

You can make this juice in a juicer (I used my Omega juicer, the ol’ clunker). Or you can make it in a high powered blender — you’ll have to  add enough water to get the blender whirring healthily. You’ll also need a fine mesh strainer to press the juice from the fiber.

Final thought: this space has always been about providing creative, accessible and inspiring recipes. But, more than that, it’s a place where I manifest my particular magic. It’s the vase in which I place the flowers that I pull from thin air. It’s the precious journal where I set my ideas down in golden ink. It’s a box of keys for doors that lead to many worlds. So thank you, darling friends, for reading. Thank you for welcoming me into your imaginations, into your hearts. It's my great privilege and joy to be a part of your life through this blog. Wishing you much love, peace and light for this new year full possibilities.

Winter Wonder Green Juice

Created by Renee on January 4, 2017

A simple, sweet, hydrating green juice made with pear, apple and kale!

  • Prep Time: 5m

  • Total Time: 5m

  • Serves: 2


  • 1/2 lemon

  • 3 pears, cored and sliced (I used 1 bartlett pear, 2 red anjou pears)

  • 2 green apples, cored and sliced

  • 1 cup seedless green grapes

  • 1 inch fresh ginger root

  • 3 -5 leaves kale

  • 1 cucumber

  • 1 rub celery

  • garnish: microgreens + fresh mint


  1. Juicer method: Cut the peel off of the halved lemon so just the citrus flesh remains (discard the rind). To the juicer, add all of the ingredients except the garnish. Serve cold, topped with microgreens and mint. Sip and enjoy!

  2. For the blender method: Cut the peel off of the halved lemon so just the citrus flesh remains (discard the rind). Combine all of the ingredients except the garnish in a high powered blender along with enough cold water to get the blender going. Press the thick smoothie through a fine mesh sieve into a large bowl, scraping all of that delicious juice from the bottom of the sieve. Serve cold topped with microgreens and mint. Sip and enjoy!