Will Frolic for Food

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Sanguine Sangria with Apple and Pomegranate

sanguine sangria with apple and pomegranate | recipe via willfrolicforfood.com
sanguine sangria with apple and pomegranate | recipe via willfrolicforfood.com
sanguine sangria with apple and pomegranate | recipe via willfrolicforfood.com
sanguine sangria with apple and pomegranate | recipe via willfrolicforfood.com
sanguine sangria with apple and pomegranate | recipe via willfrolicforfood.com




  1. Optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult situation


  1. a blood red color

THUSLY I hath made the finest of refreshments, ye ol Sanguine Sangria with Apple and Pomegranate! It's as jovial as it is ruby red. A fine drink for fine folk.

My vocabulary lessons from high school are paying off, obviously.

sanguine sangria with apple and pomegranate | recipe via willfrolicforfood.com
sanguine sangria with apple and pomegranate | recipe via willfrolicforfood.com
sanguine sangria with apple and pomegranate | recipe via willfrolicforfood.com
sanguine sangria with apple and pomegranate | recipe via willfrolicforfood.com
sanguine sangria with apple and pomegranate | recipe via willfrolicforfood.com
sanguine sangria with apple and pomegranate | recipe via willfrolicforfood.com
sanguine sangria with apple and pomegranate | recipe via willfrolicforfood.com

Cinnamon and cardamom give this sangria just a touch of that Autumn vibe. Without going overboard. I brought it to a dinner party last night and it was a hit! Beware: it's STRONG. And juicy delicious. A dangerous combo. Which of course makes it perfect for parties.

I'm already planning on making it for Thanksgiving and Christmas. And I'm not even a planner, dudes. I pride myself on being the queen of winging-it. Improv is my jam. Regardless, this is going on my must-make list.

The wine I used was a juicy, low-tannin red that I got from Trader Joes for $5. The La Granja Tempranillo. It's all blackberry jam, cocoa, and spice in the glass. As far as I know you can get it in just about every Trader Joes in the country. If you can't find a Tempranillo, a Malbec is also a good choice. The trick with sangria is to get a wine with lots of red-fruit flavor that's neither too sweet nor too dry. You'll want to er on the side of cost-effective too, because you'll be diluting it.

The OTHER trick... use a good quality brandy. Something with a bit of body and caramel notes.

Sanguine Sangria with Apple & Pomegranate

Recipe Type




Renee Shuman (Will Frolic for Food)

Prep time:

10 mins

Total time:

10 mins


8-12 servings

Sangria is a classic "no recipe" drink. Just red wine, liqueur, and fruit. I like to add cardamom and cinnamon to my Sangria for a slightly autumnal twist. Use a juicy, fruity, low-tannin red wine. I used La Granja Tempranillo. But you might also go for a Malbec.


  • 1 bottle red wine
  • 1/2 cup good quality brandy
  • 1/2 cup 100% pomegranate juice
  • 1 cup pomegranate kernels
  • 1 apple, cored and sliced thinly
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 teaspoon whole black cardamom pods, crushed in a mortar
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • Sparkling Water


  1. In a large pitcher, combine the red wine, brandy, pomegranate juice, pomegranate, and apple slices. Squeeze half of the lemon into the pitcher. Then thinly slice the other half of the lemon and add it to the pitcher. Add the crushed cardamom pods and cinnamon. Stir to combine.
  2. For best results, set the pitcher in the fridge for 2-3 hours up to overnight before serving.
  3. To serve, add ice to your pitcher. Then fill each glass 3/4 of the way with sangria and fruit. Top each glass with sparkling water. Enjoy!


Prep time doesn't include the time it takes to chill the sangria in the fridge, as that step is optional.
